Receipt and Reporting of Samples

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Receipt and Reporting of Samples

Sample Reception and Reporting Unit is the unit where the sample to be analyzed by our laboratory is received and recorded, the sample is transferred to the laboratory units in the appropriate quantity and conditions, and the report of the sample is given as a result of the analysis.

Our sampling and reporting processes proceed in the following order:

Samples delivered to our laboratory are received and recorded after visual inspection in terms of packaging, quantity and documentation.
For situations outside the acceptance criteria regarding quantity and freight, it may be accepted by contacting the customer with a waiver statement.
Recorded samples are delivered to the Sample Preparation (slaughterhouse) section to be prepared for analysis with laboratory codes without label information. At this stage, the suitability of the textile products and textile chemicals that reach us are also checked by authorized employees for appropriate analysis.

Sample Preparation: The received samples are sent to the slaughter station by creating work forms based on the analysis. At that stage, samples are prepared by performing preliminary preparation for analysis and delivered to the appropriate laboratory department where analysis is required under appropriate conditions. Samples for the Molecular Biology laboratory are delivered directly to the appropriate department.

Return, Retention and Destruction: For samples requested to be returned by the customer during the sampling phase, the remaining parts and separated secondary samples after analysis are returned to the customer. Samples that do not require a return are stored under appropriate conditions, then secondary samples that have expired, or samples that are not timely returned by the customer despite a return request, are destroyed. The storage period of samples is limited to 45 days. In special cases, samples may be destroyed immediately upon notification to customers.

Analysis and Reporting: Required analyzes are performed by the appropriate laboratory unit. The results reported to the sampling unit by the heads of the relevant laboratory departments are drawn up in the form of a report and delivered to the customer with a signature.

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Textile Laboratory

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