Responsible and sustainable fishing has become one of the important issues of the last decade. Inadequate and erroneous fishing practices threaten the long-term viability of many ocean ecosystems.
Aquaculture growers, retailers and consumers demand products that are sustainably grown and responsibly sourced, with a strong focus on health, the environment and resources. The GLOBALG.A.P Aquatic Standard is a globally recognized standard for ensuring safe and sustainable food production, animal welfare, occupational health and safety, environment and ecological importance.
The GLOBALG.A.P certificate takes into account the following points:
Food safety and traceability
The environment
Health, safety and welfare of employees
Animal welfare
Integrated Product Management (ICM) and Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points (HACCP)
Control Union provides certification services in the following areas:
Compound feed: Compound feed to be used in GLOBALG.A.P certified aquaculture farms is also required to be supplied from certified feed manufacturers.
Hatcheries and farms: The GLOBALG.A.P Aquaculture Standard can be applied to document the rearing stages of molluscs, crustaceans and all finned species. The certification process covers all stages up to the production of broodstock, eggs and fish.
Chain of Custody: Separation of certified and non-certified products from the farm to the retail stage is carried out with the Chain of Custody Standard throughout the supply chain.
GRASP-GLOBALG.A.P Risk Assessment in Social Applications: It is developed as a voluntary module covering certain aspects of worker health, safety and welfare to assess social applications on the farm. Assessment of the GRASP module for Aquatic Products is mandatory.