
Our team of experienced cargo experts conduct periodic inspections to ensure consistent quality throughout the transportation process of your goods.

With our deep knowledge and experience in the Oilseeds sector, together with our experts, we check, confirm, analyze the commodities you trade worldwide and work to ensure that all processes take place in a healthy manner.

We ensure the quality, quantity and safety of your goods throughout the various supply chains. We carry out our processes with FOSFA trust, with our FOSFA approved control and laboratory services across the Oilseeds product range.

Within FOSFA, we provide our laboratory services with Moisture and Volatile Matter, Fat Content, Free Fat Acid Content and Foreign Matter analyses.

Our network of international offices, operations and laboratories enables us to provide our customers with a full spectrum of worldwide services, as well as being your single point of contact for your questions and concerns.

How can we help you?

Please get in touch.

Food Laboratory

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